BC Alpine Files

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Name Last Update Size
Bid Applications 1 item 2022-02-09 000012303248 12,015 kb
Entry Forms 2 items 2018-05-09 000000196508 192 kb
Fees 5 items 2018-05-09 000000334993 327 kb
Insurance and Sanction Forms 7 items 2018-06-13 000002946674 2,878 kb
Race Administration Support 7 items 2022-12-12 000126019174 123,066 kb
Race Administrator Package 24 items 2022-12-05 000003350441 3,272 kb
Race Kits 5 items 2022-03-18 000003354257 3,276 kb
Timing 17 items 2018-05-09 000026213967 25,600 kb
2020 U16 PRS Draw Process.docx 2020-02-09 000002523311 2,464 kb Open
ACA Race Worker Training manual.pdf 2018-05-09 000002689686 2,627 kb Open
Awards Ordering by Event Category.docx 2023-11-27 000000822278 803 kb Open
BC Alpine Draw Format.docx 2024-12-17 000000135407 132 kb Open
BC Alpine Extract from Rules of Ski Racing.pdf 2018-05-09 000000166066 162 kb Open
CANADIAN ALPINE FIS TD EXPENSE SYSTEM (2).pdf 2019-03-18 000000132060 129 kb Open
Course Clearance Procedure.docx 2025-01-20 000000021127 21 kb Open
Disqualification Posting Form.docx 2018-05-09 000000024922 24 kb Open
Distribution of Race Results - FIS Level Races.docx 2022-02-23 000000038588 38 kb Open
Distribution of Race Results - National Level Races.docx 2022-02-23 000000133195 130 kb Open
Emergency Response Protocol.pdf 2018-05-09 000000016339 16 kb Open
First Responder Response for On Hill Incidents.pdf 2018-05-09 000000014590 14 kb Open
FIS Race Program Form.docx 2018-05-09 000000040756 40 kb Open
Gate Judge Card - printing instructions.pdf 2018-05-09 000000024244 24 kb Open
Gate Judge Card - Revision 2022.pdf 2022-11-22 000000841452 822 kb Open
Gate Judge Information.pdf 2018-05-09 000000017571 17 kb Open
Guideline for Chief of Gates.pdf 2018-05-09 000000042134 41 kb Open
Jury Minutes.docx 2018-05-09 000000029400 29 kb Open
Most Improved Calculator.xlsx 2022-02-23 000000145379 142 kb Open
Protests Form.docx 2018-05-09 000000025684 25 kb Open
Race Notice - Generic.docx 2022-02-23 000000692044 676 kb Open
SAM Package.pdf 2018-05-09 000000901204 880 kb Open
Snowsports Club Risk Management Manual - En FEB 2015.pdf 2018-05-09 000001513292 1,478 kb Open
TD and Jury Leadership Via Radio.pdf 2018-05-09 000000022155 22 kb Open
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